Cannabis Dispensary ATMs
Due to the complexity and frequent fluctuation of cannabis banking laws, it’s generally a smart idea for dispensaries to keep cash at all times. Because of this, it’s critical for dispensaries to choose a reliable and reputable ATM provider.
Why ATM Machines Are Important to Dispensaries
Medical and recreational marijuana Dispensaries are opening up all over the United States and have become not only one of the most rapidly growing industries in the country but one of the most profitable industries in the world. Illinois and Delaware are just two of the states that have taken the medical marijuana Dispensary to the next level with legalized recreational marijuana sales. You can now legally purchase marijuana at Dispensaries in Colorado or Washington among many other states but because of strict federal regulations these cannabis Dispensaries are only able to accept cash, making an ATM machine a vital addition to any Dispensary or medicinal marijuana retailer.
Do I need to worry about ATM processing or vault cash?
NO! We take care of everything, from vaulting to maintenance. You just sit back and make a portion of the ATM surcharge fee. Payouts are direct deposited to your account monthly along with transaction reports.
​Are there any legal concerns to be aware of with having an ATM in my dispensary?
None to be concerned with. ATM transactions are between the customer and his/her bank or credit card company. They do not directly involve your cannabis business, and customers are free to spend the cash as they please. As long as your business is legal by state law, you should have no problem maintaining an ATM.